Listening to this podcast makes me feel loved. I can’t help but smile and feel inspired to go create the life of my dreams."



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How to Change Your Relationship with Money Once and For All – Most Abundant Week

How can you be a magnet for all you desire without feeling shame around it? Cathy shares a powerful talk about how to step into your fierce and graceful authenticity, how to allow yourself to receive all the beauty the world has to offer you, why it’s time to stop being a good girl, and […]

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Receive Limitless Amounts of Money – Most Abundant Week

How can you find freedom and grow an empire on your terms? Cathy shares a coaching call about how to connect with joy in your own being, why your business will thrive once you let go of the outcome, how to choose authenticity over belonging, and how to become the vibration you’re seeking. – Doors […]

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Allow in More with Ease – Most Abundant Week

What unconscious beliefs about money are holding you back from your dream life? This coaching call with Cathy shows you how to build awareness of your limiting thoughts around abundance and wealth, how to shift out of a scarcity mentality, and how to claim your right to make unlimited amounts of money and unlimited impact. […]

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Accelerate Receiving Your Desires – Most Abundant Week

What does it take to be a master manifestor? Cathy opens your eyes to the miracles you can create in an instant, teaches you how to get out of your ego and limitations, and shares Einstein’s advice for tapping into your own genius. – It’s not too late to join the Free 5 Day Challenge! […]

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Align With Your Dream Life – Most Abundant Week Series

How can you make this week your most abundant week ever? Cathy teaches you how to rewire the software program that’s been ingrained in your mind, how to wake up to what is unconsciously keeping you stuck, what makes us similar to a radio, and how to immediately unlock the feeling of abundance and freedom. […]

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2 Exercises to Help You Live in Integrity & Rediscover the Possibilities in Your Path

What worlds can you create when you’re in a place of self agency and integrity? Cathy walks you through 2 exercises that will help you release the shame around your dark side, become free of codependency, allow people to exit your circle without worrying what they’ll think, and choose belonging to yourself. – Join Cathy’s […]

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Can Joy Be 100% of Your Day? + Samantha Skelly on How Breathwork Can Transform Your Life

How do you allow more joy into your every day? Cathy coaches a student, Angela, who wants to be a joy consultant but struggles to open up to more joy in her life. Then Samantha Skelly, founder & CEO of Pause Breathwork shares how breathwork can be a powerful healing practice that transforms your mindset […]

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How the Future You Want Can Become Your Reality Today

How can you change the frequency you’re emitting and become a magnet for money? Cathy coaches a student Jenn, who has been launching multiple things and wants to monetize without holding a needy energy. You’ll learn how to become a match for abundant opportunities, how to attract the customers and clients who will pay $85,000, […]

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How to Feel Freedom & Become a Conduit for Abundance

How can you move self doubt aside and get clarity on where you should be spending your energy? Cathy coaches a student Cynthia, who is questioning if she’s in alignment with the work she’s meant to do. You’ll learn how to stop worrying about other people’s judgment, why charging someone money actually charges their batteries, […]

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Why Your Actions Haven’t Created the Results You Want

What underlying blocks are holding you back from the impact and income you want? Cathy coaches Kate, a psychotherapist, author, coach, and speaker who feels like she’s hitting an edge and isn’t sure what’s keeping her stuck. You’ll learn why the problem you think you have isn’t actually a problem, why action alone won’t summon […]

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Reese Evans on How to Shift Your Subconscious Beliefs & Monetize with Ease

How can you change your subconscious mind around money and wealth? Reese Evans, mindset and abundance coach and creator of the YES Supply Method is back to teach you how to let go of resistance around monetizing, how to make your product or service significant to your audience, how to manifest $100k months, and how […]

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Candace Nelson on the Simple Recipe to Turn Your Passion into Profit & Create Sweet Success

How can something you love become the most magical, delicious business of your dreams? Candace Nelson, cofounder of Sprinkles Cupcakes, Pizzana, CN2 Ventures, NYT bestselling author, exec producer & Sugar Rush judge didn’t expect her cupcake business to skyrocket when she began baking in her tiny West Hollywood kitchen. Multiple empires later, she’s now revealing […]

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