Listening to this podcast makes me feel loved. I can’t help but smile and feel inspired to go create the life of my dreams."



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Own Your Everyday – Jordan Lee Dooley

  How can you step into who you’re meant to be and what you’re meant to do? Jordan Lee Dooley, entrepreneur, bestselling author, and podcaster has created an incredible movement to help multi-passionate people like herself reach their full potential. She sheds her wisdom on how to get clarity on which business idea you should […]

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Life Advice For Creatives with Adam J. Kurtz

  What possibilities are waiting on the other side of embracing who you really are? Adam J. Kurtz, artist, illustrator, and bestselling author has grown his career by expressing his true voice of humor, optimism, and honesty. He shares how to release the need to be perfect, how to recognize whose feedback is most important, […]

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How to Grow 1 Million Followers Through Real Talk – Sazan Hendrix

  How do you find the courage to be honest about your imperfect life? Sazan Hendrix, lifestyle and beauty blogger, YouTuber, influencer and podcaster made a brave step to share the real, raw, messy parts of her life – and it only made her audience love her more. She shares how we can build each […]

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The Power of Storyselling

  How can you use storyselling as your most powerful marketing tool? Cathy shares why we as human beings are so deeply drawn to stories, how successful creative entrepreneurs tell their story through their products, and how you can create a whole business around the celebration of your own journey. – Join our Dreambassador Team! […]

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Everyone Is Qualified To Make An Impact – Ben Higgins

  How do you create a meaningful impact? Ben Higgins, cofounder of Generous Coffee never imagined that he would rise to fame on The Bachelor – but he did know that he was meant for a bigger purpose. He shares how to find your passion through injustice, why empathy is the most attractive quality, and […]

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How to Expand Your Network – Darrah Brustein

  How can you build a vibrant business by fostering a networking community? Darrah Brustein, entrepreneur, writer, and the go-to expert at connecting people has been able to design a life that gives her freedom and purpose in the work she loves. She shares how providing value in your relationships leads to new opportunities, how […]

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How to Get Unstuck

  How much action would you take if you knew that building a successful business doesn’t require expertise, credentials, or a million followers? Cathy reveals the secrets on how to eliminate your excuses, what you’re actually seeking to create by sharing your gifts, and how to stop fearing the next level of success. – Join […]

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How to Use Marketing to Make A Sale – Career Contessa’s Lauren McGoodwin

  How can you take your customer on a journey so they get to know, like, and trust you? Lauren McGoodwin, founder and CEO of the popular career website Career Contessa left her recruiting job to share the knowledge and tools she had accumulated to build a fulfilling career. She explains what kinds of products […]

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How to Avoid the Perfection Trap – James Victore

  How do you find the permission to let done be better than perfect? James Victore, artist, designer, and author of Feck Perfuction launched his career by expressing his true opinions in his work, and not apologizing for it. He shares how to start before you’re ready, how to experience life instead of cycling through […]

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How to Create a Career with All Parts of Yourself – Sara Auster

  How can you evolve into a new career without leaving behind your other passions and identities? Sara Auster was a successful artist and musician when she encountered a life-changing injury. Instead of letting it paralyze her, she found alternative healing practices and combined her creativity into her newfound interest for sound baths and meditation. […]

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How to Break Through Self Doubt & Set Achievable Goals Towards Success – Jillian Michaels

  How can you break the cycle of self sabotage and set yourself up for achievable wins? Jillian Michaels, fitness expert, best-selling author, podcaster, and top wellness entrepreneur has built a worldwide reputation of helping people hit their goals. She reveals why empathy is more effective than sympathy, how to create meaning through suffering, and […]

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How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

  How do you build confidence to take action when you constantly feel like a fraud? Cathy shares how she’s dealt with that pesky impostor syndrome, how you can feed yourself with reminders of self worth, and how to replace the unattainable goal of providing “expertise” and “perfection” with empathy and authenticity – so you […]

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